Introducing PRP: A Treatment for Hair Loss

Post date: Nov 16, 2017 3:25:30 PM

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses growth factors in your own blood to stimulate hair growth. For the visit, it involves a blood draw (so we recommend that you eat something and drink plenty of water before coming into the office), and then just relaxing (waiting) for about 45 minutes while your PRP is prepared in our laboratory. Once it is ready, the treatment area on the scalp is cleansed, cooled for comfort, and then with a series of injections I place your PRP into the skin to begin stimulating your hair follicles promoting hair growth. The injections are quick! It is important to not wash the scalp for 24 hours after a treatment, and then it is fine to resume all typical activities.

We are doing introductory pricing until the end of the year. For initial treatment (someone who has never had such treatment before), Dr. Wyatt recommends a series of 3 treatments spaced 1 month apart. Price is $650 for individual treatment, or $1800 for package of 3 treatments (if prepaid). After Jan 1st, the price increases to $750 for an individual treatment or $2100 for a package of 3 treatments. For maintenance, Dr. Wyatt recommends a single a la carte treatment every 6 months.